For many of our buy-side transaction advisory clients, Zachary Scott has grown into responsibilities beyond the transaction. In this role, we take on a broader set of investment strategy, screening, and portfolio company oversight responsibilities in addition to transaction execution.


We created our Investments & Partnerships service line to better support these types of clients. Within I&P, we can leverage our own experiences as investors, and as advisors alongside acquirers of all shapes and strategies, to serve as a full-service outsourced investments team.


While not exhaustive, we’ve found success in the following niches:


For Native organizations: we have decades of experience supporting the private investment goals of Native organizations in Alaska and Tribes in the lower 48, and have a deep appreciation for the uniqueness of these organizations’ investment mandates and collaborative approval processes.


For family offices: many family offices are large enough to allocate capital to direct private equity investments, but not large enough to support a full internal investment team. We can plug in as a temporary solution to provide additional bandwidth, or occupy a more permanent role in support of a lean internal team.


For independent sponsors: there’s a growing segment of independent sponsors who are experienced operators with excellent industry knowledge, but who lack investment execution expertise or resources. We’re built to be the “investment engine” for an independent sponsor, augmenting as necessary in a support role.

Let's start a conversation.

Investor, Know Thyself

Successful acquisitions and investments are borne from a thorough self-assessment

Guidelines for Impact Investing – Part One: Separating Financial & Social Returns

We’ve had the great pleasure of working with many types of investing organizations—Alaskan Native Corporations,...